The Association of Croatian Travel Agencies is one of the project partners
DURATION: 15.4. 2016.-14.10.2017.
- Leading beneficiary coordinator: Association „MI“ - Split
- CRO Partner: the Association for Civil Society Development “Bonsai”
- CRO Partner: Udruga hrvatskih putničkih agencija
- CG Beneficiary Coordinator: the Association for Democratic Prosperity "ZID"
- CG Partner: the Municipality of Herceg Novi
VALUE: 294.966,9 EURO/ 2.212.251,75 kuna
FINANCED BY: EU program CBC IPA II 2012-2013 CRO MNE. Cross-Border Programme Croatia-Montenegro under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), Component II, allocations for 2012 and 2013 and remnants funds from the Montenegrin allocation 2011
OVERALL OBJECTIVE: The overall objective is to contribute to the promotion of Croatian and Montenegrin tourist potentials as an integral tourist destination, improving the environment for the establishment of new tourism products based on sustainable development of the program area and improvement of social connections in the cross-border area.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: The specific objective is to strengthen the cooperation between the public, profit and non-profit sector by developing voluntourism as an innovative and distinctive tourism product on joint tourism territory of Croatian-Montenegrin border areas.
- The promotion of the cross-border area through joint activities focused on voluntourism as an innovative tourism product based on sustainable development.
- Increased and reinforced cross-border and cross-sectoral cooperation between tourist associations, civil society organizations and other key tourism stakeholders in development of voluntourism through the transfer and sharing of practical knowledge, experiences/best practices and information, which contribute to the amelioration of neighborly relations and the creation of a joint tourist area (including a total of 25 people from at least 10 organizations/institutions).
- Strengthened capacities of volunteer organizers for the development and application of high-quality activities in the field of sustainable tourism and voluntourism projects, which are are based on the principles of social entrepreneurship and the tourist offer promoting the original local/regional values and which extend the tourist season (at least 30 people from 15 organizations/institutions, with at least 2 developed voluntourism programs).
- Increased capacities (up to 30) of small and medium tourist companies for the development of tourism products that meet the needs and standards of market niches of special interest.
Activities are split into three topic areas:
- TC1 activities include promoting the concept of a new tourism product in the cross-border region through joint communications strategies and promotional activities. Promotional events will increase the support of local service providers for developing new innovative tourism products based on natural, social and cultural assets.
- TC2 activities will impact cross-border mobilisation through the analysis of supply and demand, as well as through the networking of experts in the field of volunteer management and sustainable tourism (together they will design curriculum / guide package and manual).
- TC3 activities will increase the capacities of local stakeholders (public, private and non-profit sectors) in developing and providing volunteering services in the cross-border region. The understanding of this topic will increase as a result of: 1) modular training (in volunteer management for non-profit organisations as well as in developing tourism products which meet the needs and standards of market niches of special interest to for profit organisations), 2) regional workshops for target groups where knowledge will be exchanged, and 3) individual guidance and support in developing two new tourism products for non-profit target groups.
- Direct beneficiaries: up to 50 organisations in the tourism sector; up to 30 non-profit organisations; up to 10 local administrative bodies; 15 media outlets; 40 tourists; 2 international partners/experts
- Final beneficiaries: up to 100 from the tourism sector; 100 tourists, 50 non-government and non-profit organisations; 20 media representatives; 1000 local residents; 50 volunteers; the general public (5000)