The Association of Croatian Travel Agencies is one of the partners on the Tourism Sector and the Role of Social Dialogue project.


18 months; October 2018 - March 2020


1.433.468,38 HRK

100% of the grant is financed by the EU.

Grant program: 

European Social Fund's Operational Programme 2014 – 2020 – Efficient Human Resources

Project partners:

  1. Croatian Tourism and Hospitality Union (STUH) – lead partner

  2. Association of Employers in Croatian Hospitality (UPUHH)

  3. Association of Croatian Travel Agencies (UHPA)

  4. Croatian Youth Hostel Association (HFHS)

  5. Croatian Camping Association (KUH)

  6. Family and Small Hotels Association (OMH)

Project outline:

The project deals with the key concerns and common interests of the representatives of tourism sector employers. Through capacity strengthening tools, a model for more efficient networking is to be established and relevant analyses conducted, in order to formulate proposals for solving identified sectoral policy issues. In formalizing interest groups, the project aspires to unify communication between social partners, state administration bodies and partner institutions within the EU.

Expected project outcomes:

  1. Detailed criteria for awarding the Specialist for Social Dialogue certificate

  2. Established model for more efficient networking as a result of opening common interest questions and formulating responses in accordance with the current situation and the desired future development

  3. Strengthened sectoral cooperation at the national and international level and initiated dialogue on issues of common interest

  4. Three expert in-depth sector analyses processed and carried out through workshops and round tables, as well as an in-depth study by the Institute for Tourism

  5. Four analyses of the executed workshops from the perspective of the lecturer with a consolidated report

Presentations (in Croatian):

Contact person: Mihaela Turniški,